The camp started off on Saturday morning with all Cubs putting up their tents and setting up their sleeping gear for later on

We the had lunch and sorted out the Cubs into groups ready for our bases

The Cubs did the following bases:-

Woggle Making


Shelter Building

First Aid

Hike Preparation & Country Code

After the bases it was time to collect wood and start lighting fires ready to cook our dinner on. The Cubs and Leaders did extremely well with this especially as most of the wood was damp!

Then it was time to wash up and clear away – moan!

We then had a wide game in the dark and the winning groups let off rockets into the sky lit up with glow sticks

We then had supper and faced a cold night in bed!

Sunday morning started bright and early with more fire lighting and cooking breakfast

After we had cleared up we got ready for our hike through Burnham Beeches

After the hike we returned tired and hungry and luckily lunch was ready for us!

After lunch we packed up our gear, took down the tents and loaded the van

Then it was time to close camp and go home after a great weekend

Cubs who attended the weekend achieved the new “Our Outdoors Challenge Award”, “Hikes Away” and” Nights Away” Badges

Well done to all Cubs and Leaders who attended the Camp. It was hard work but we all had a fantastic time!