Slough District Cubs celebrated a 100 Years of Cub Scouting on Friday 16 th December 2016

by holding an amazing Promise Party.


We started off by playing Musical Bumps, then we split up into three groups and played Pass

the Parcel.


It was then time to join Cub Scouts from all over the world to re-new our Promise at



We then lit our cake and sang “Happy Birthday” and enjoyed lots and lots of party food!!

We then played the Chocolate Game – a great favourite of ours!!


It was then time to collect our certificates and a 100 year balloon and head off home

This was the final event to end a fantastic year of special events / camps to celebrate Cubs



I would like to thank all Cub Leaders, Explorer Young Leaders and members of Slough

District who have supported us throughout the whole year, we have had a blast!

I feel very privilege to lead such an amazing team.


Sarah Ainsworth

ADC Cubs

Slough District