What is Eurojam?
An 11 day camp in Gdansk, Poland with Scouts from across Europe and beyond, with additional days exploring Poland.
During the Jamboree, you will take part in Adventurous Activities, activities relating to Global Development Sustainability and The Environment.
Further information can be found here.
Who can go?
Any Scout or Explorer born between 26th July 2002 and 31st December 2006.
There are 36 spaces in the contingent.
When is it?
25th July to 8th August 2020
How to Apply
To apply for a space for the Jamboree please complete the form below, the closing date for applications is Monday 3rd June.
The personal statement doesn’t have to be long but you need to briefly describe your Scouting experience so far, why you want to go and why you would be a valued member of the Unit.
Interviews will take place on Monday 10th June at 8pm at Slough District Headquarters, Elliman Ave, Slough SL2 5AZ.